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Bringing on a developer advocate without a clear strategy is like hiring a captain for a ship without a destination or a map.
# Hiring
Example DevRel Strategy for fake company, CodeSync.You should be able to draft a similar strategy before you hire your first developer advocate.
# Examples
I love documentation. If you work with/are writing code intended for usage and consumption by more than one person, you should love it, too. Documentation and other resources will make or break...
# Examples
Strategies to effectively evaluate video metrics for DevRel
# Video & Audio
A/V equipment fails all the time with presentations. Here is my guide on how to avoid making a bad situation worse.
# Public Speaking
# Video & Audio
# Expert Tips
Customer journey mapping continues to gain both traction and increased relevance as organizations around the globe orient toward a more customer-centric way of doing business.
# Best Practices
# DevRel Strategy
Nearly 75% of cross-functional teams are dysfunctional. They struggle to plan budgets, stay on schedule, adhere to specs, meet customer expectations, & stay focused on company goals & objectives.
# Collaboration
# Cross Functional
Bear Douglas and Caroline Lewko shared insights into leadership in DevRel based on their experiences.
# Career Growth
# Career Insights
# Career Success
# Continuing Education
# Leadership
# Personal Growth
# Skill Development
Key SaaS Metrics and KPIs to measure the growth of your business. While making important decisions for your SaaS business you should consider theses metrics.
# Leadership
# Metrics
That Conference prep & thread, Decoding DevX episode on prioritization, DevRel X/Twitter space recording, Q4 self-review, finished up this weeks loose ends!
# Personal Growth